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Bracorriah X Beauty's Empowering Entrepreneurs Movement
Where we encourage entrepreneurship and empower entrepreneurs!

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We believe in the power of inspiring, unifying, educating, and empowering small business owners, and that's why do what we do at Bracorriah X Beauty. We are utilizing our journey and experiences to invest in and support the next small business owner. As we grow, learn, and continue to be empowered, we want to reciprocate the grace we have been shown by helping the next small business owner grow, learn, and become empowered. 

I always say, "Entrepreneurship ain't easy but it's liberating to know that with the grace and guidance from GOD, I control my narrative, I control my journey, I control my chain of command, and I control how high I can climb... and guess what.....the sky is the limit."

To my fellow entrepreneurs and those contemplating entrepreneurship....
GOD will prepare you for your blessing and provide according to your needs and his plan and timeline for you. He makes no mistakes in determining the blessing he
 has for you, including the who, what, when, where, and why. Believe in yourself, Trust GOD, Maintain Faith, Be consistent, and Work hard.  Your journey belongs to you and we are humbled by the opportunity to support you.

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By making a generous donation, you are contributing to the growth and success of small businesses and helping to create a stronger, more vibrant and resilient community. Your donation is making a difference and supporting local entrepreneurship. By donating, you are investing in the future of our community and helping create a more prosperous and sustainable economy. Let's come together and make a positive impact on our community and the small business owners within.


Be a part of something great. As we continue to be good stewards of our resources, our empowering entrepreneur’s movement aims to provide start-ups and small businesses with the resources they need to thrive. 

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